Referral Program

Referrals for fractional roles are incredibly important for landing successful contracts. I value referrals so much, I’m willing to share in the profits. And I believe those that refer me more often should earn more. To that end, I present my approach to referral rewards.

  • First successful referral: 5% monthly of what I net* up to $2,000**

  • Second successful referral: 7.5% monthly of what I net* up to $3,250**

  • Third and after successful referrals: 10% monthly of what I net* up to $4500*

A successful referral is one that results in a contract being signed and the first payment received.

How to refer me? First, use the download button below to download a Fractional Edge one-page PDF describing my services so you can electronically send it with your referral.
Once you are ready or right after, you send your referral to a customer. Fill out the referral form below. It’s important to get this information so I can identify it was you that referred me, and I have good contact information to use the payments.

*What I net is after taking out money to have the payment made. For example, often 2.9% + $.30 gets taken off the top if the client uses a credit card for payment. More from international sources. Then there are the taxes that must be paid before I make the referral payment. What that means is the % you earn is after I have paid all costs and taxes taken out.

**Payments will come from my Found Bank account and will offer several options for you to claim. United States tax law requires any company to issue 1099-NEC for any payments over $600 in a calendar year. Found will help with that and will reach out to get a W-9. The W-9 is required by tax law for paying non-employees over 600 a year.

Please fill out this Referral form